
First and foremost, I think the entire teen population needs to pat itself on the back for having its priorities in the right place. Of all the things that teens spend their money on, food is number one, making up a full 23% of teens’ budgets. PROPS where props are due, because preventing states of hangriness whilst in public should be everyone’s top priority. Following close behind food is clothing at 20%, and then to a lesser degree, accessories, video games, cars, electronics, and shoes. Wow, did anyone else just get the urge to shop right now?
What’s interesting about the way teens are spending money isn’t so much what they are spending the money on, but which brands they have loyalties for. Even teens who have part-time jobs don’t have that much of a budget to be throwing money around, so it figures that the brands they choose are ones that are important to them, and consistently serve them well. The ones that dominating the teen scene? Starbucks and Chipotle dominate food-wise, and Nike remains firmly on top in retail sales. Here’s a chart that shows the top ten retailers that teens spend money at:

While these companies have either risen or stayed in the ranks, companies like Aeropostale and Abercrombie and Fitch have taken a hit. Online shopping has also become more popular among teens, and the sites that they tend to buy from aren’t all too surprising given their preferred brands:

Other trends in teen shopping are the shift, particularly among girls, from denim to activewear. Stores like Lululemon and Victoria’s Secret that carry the versatile leggings we all know and love are starting to get a (literal) leg up on their predecessors. No word on the jegging hybrid, who I’m guessing is having a rough transition just about now.
So there you have it! We might not all be keeping track of what we spend our money on, but the internet sure is, and I’m proud to say that our hearts — nay, our stomachs — are all in the right place.