
It turns out that it's not just Alec Baldwin's family that thinks the world of Wegmans Food Markets. The 16th annual Harris Poll Reputation Quotient study has the family-owned chain based in Rochester, NY at the top of its list of companies based on corporate reputation.
"Reputation is far from static and is a business asset that is earned every day as people evaluate companies through the lens of what matters most to them. Wegmans has spent years building a sterling reputation in the communities they serve, through its employees, one shopping experience at a time," said Carol Gstalder, reputation & public relations practice Leader for Harris Poll, in a statement.
The reputations of the 100 most visible companies range from excellent (scores of 80+) to poor (scores of 50 to 64). Wegmans ranked highest at 84.36 followed by at 83.72. Other retailers with excellent reputations include Costco (81.69), L.L. Bean (80.78) and Publix (80.73).
The study ranks respondents based on six reputation attributes: Emotional Appeal, Products & Services, Social Responsibility, Vision & Leadership, Workplace Environment, and Financial Performance. Wegmans was the only company on the Harris list to rank in the top five of all six.
"This really supports what we have always believed," Michele Mehaffy, a Wegmans spokesperson, told The Buffalo News. "If we meet the needs of our employees, they will take care of our customers."
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