
Soon, commercial tenants looking for their next office or retail space will avoid treks from one part of the city to the other. They will take a 3-D tour of potential properties from a computer or tablet, without ever leaving the office.
3D tech is going to be a huge – and I mean HUGE – wave in the commercial real estate industry, as pricing for this sort of technology gets in line with what is reasonably affordable for today’s brokerages. This includes 3D everything…printing, modeling, building designs and floor plan designs. This means the ability to create a virtual floor plan on the fly with the use of the right tools and the push of a button. 3D technology is a game changer for many industries, but we are excited about it finally coming to real estate!
One of the companies to check out is Floored, an interactive solution to allow potential tenants or purchasers to tour a building before it has even been built! Take a virtual walk from your conference room to the reception area to the elevator…a fully interactive model! Kudos Floored for your amazing work! Absolutely brilliant!
Bringing Real Estate into the 21st Century
3D tech allows a company like ours to not have to deal with archaic drawings but to bring in a new era of proposals that are presented in a proper way by bringing life to the space, something a drawing cannot do. People are unable to truly see a space visually, they need help, something to bring it all together and bring it to reality. Virtual 3D tours create the experience by giving the viewer the chance to be in the property and experience the space. Compared to a black and white drawing, having the ability to place furniture, change colors, add plants, it’s endless and makes a difference!
These types of tools are supplying leasing companies and in-house leasing professionals with a ton of flexibility to create their own drawings, plans and space plan programs. By doing so, it’s giving clients a quick and efficient experience while bringing together all of the components right in front of them. When you can turn an empty space into a living and breathing office right before your client’s eyes – it’s helping them see themselves in the space. You’re helping them move forward. You’re closing deals.
The other company that’s making some waves globally is Create. It’s cool because Create can literally be used as your asset management screen by giving you eyes on and in real estate. So, you’re flying over buildings as if you were in a helicopter and getting a unique but real experience and view of neighborhoods, surrounding areas, buildings, and even seeing inside them infrared! This then can be brought down to the virtual spaces and clients are able to fully grasp what they are being offered.
The combination of companies like Floored and Create would be absolutely amazing, especially for those looking to relocate to a new area. You know what they say? A picture tells a thousand words….now it’s finally being used in real estate and we are excited about it! This is big…I mean a game changer big!
For original article, click here.