Book Retailers Plan for Success with Bricks, Mortar, Books and More

An open book on a table with shelves of books in the background

In an age where digital drives so much of what we do, when it comes to books, print is still outselling digital, which may be why so many independent bookstores continue to compete in the marketplace. Even big book retailers like Amazon are seeing the light when it comes to physical stores, but books are not the only attraction to these brick-and-mortar stores. From deep in the heart of New York City to the suburban America near Scarsdale, New York, bookstores are offering food, comfort, community, and customization.

The Barnes & Noble near Scarsdale provides customers with a quaint restaurant including an outdoor patio and a bar that leads into the bookstore. Menu options might range from ricotta pancakes to a salmon entree, which customers can enjoy with a glass of wine in a wide open piazza. Barnes & Noble store manager Kathie Bannon attests to happy and pleasantly surprised customers who appreciate the convenience and unique experience added to their routine.

In New York City, Amazon's newest brick-and-mortar store is offered as a "physical extension" of the familiar brand. Rather than stacks, the store displays books with covers facing out like shoppers would vlew online, and the organization of the store is customized with familiar Amazon features like "Most Wished For."

Clearly, 21st century bookstores are quickly becoming a destination. Certainly more than sellers of books, these stores are offering a brand new experience with books, entertainment, and socialization. Read more here.

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