While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes to so many aspects of our lives, it’s important to reflect on the unexpected positives that have come from this unprecedented season. For so many members of the Regency team, the “little things” — particularly, the hobbies we’ve picked up during our extra time at home — have held the most meaning.
From podcasting and biking to jigsaw puzzles and kayaking, here’s how three Regency employees have made the most of this unique time:

I realized I know a lot of people that have seemingly interesting jobs, but I really do not know what they actually do,” said Tyler F., Property Accountant. “So I started a podcast called 'We Just Haven't Met You Yet.' It's me interviewing acquaintances about their current careers, and how they got there. I have done 5 so far, and am coming out with the sixth episode this week—so averaging about one a week.

I have taken up two new hobbies: jigsaw puzzles and kayaking," said Trish M., Legal Assistant. "The kayak belongs to my mother-in-law, and I go to the lake near their neighborhood clubhouse. They kayak at 10AM and then my husband and I show up at 11AM — so we see them, but keep our 6-foot distance. As for the puzzles, they're 1,000 pieces, and Dowdle brand. They create puzzles of cities in America. We've completed one of the city of Boston, now we're working on the city of Los Angeles.

I have been getting back into biking," said David P., Senior Accounting Analyst. "I used to ride a lot in college, but I have not done it in many years. I got my old road bike that I used to ride to and from class out of the garage and cleaned it up and have been riding that. I really like going out to the Baldwin Trail on the Westside — it’s a great place to get outside and exercise.
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