Although live sports looks a little different this year, Regency Centers is celebrating this season in a new way with Ultimate Tailgate Takeout: a portfolio-wide initiative created to inspire Regency’s sports-loving community members to design their best at-home tailgate experiences. Over the coming weeks, we'll continue to share the unique #rctailgatetakeout experiences of participants from coast-to-coast, including team-inspired treats and beverages to gift baskets, decor and more!
Read on to learn more about the Ultimate Tailgate Takeout experience of Areanna (@modernday_areanna) in Philadelphia, PA!

Fly Eagles Fly 🦅
The bird gang will be back in less than two weeks and while football may look different this year, we are still kicking off this season and getting in spirit.
I'm starting a new tradition with bubba and making Tailgate Takeout kits with Regency Centers this year. I recently visited Regency's Newtown Square Shopping Center and all these items are from Acme Markets and Michaels.
I also shared in stories how to build these Tailgate Takeout Kits. I'll be missing tailgating at games and hosting game day parties this year, but there's nothing like "tailgating" at home with these two, and cheering on the birds with bubba.
These kits are simple to make. Just fill them up with your favorite snacks, beer (or juice for little ones), team gear, and football knick knacks.
Tip: find items that match your team colors, too! 🦅
Learn more about Regency’s Ultimate Tailgate Takeout here, and enter to win the Ultimate Tailgate Takeout giveaway — including $500 to the grocer of your choice — here!